diskarte うまいやり方、ハッスル




  • diskarte [語根][名] うまいやり方、ハッスル(がんばり、奮闘)
  • madiskarte [形] ハッスルした、世渡り上手の



  • 一生懸命 kayod (もっと元気にあふれてる的な意味でsipagよりsiglaな感じ?)
  • 方法、戦術 paraan
    • 抜け道
    • ずる daya

  • Hahanap lang po ako ng ibang diskarte. 別の機会を探してるだけです。(cant buy me love – e55 後述の例)
  • diskartehan ko na lang, Papi. / i’ll find way, Papi. (cant buy me love – e83)
  • Sinisira niya ‘yong diskarte ko kay Caroline. 彼は僕のカロラインへの作戦/機会?を台無しにしてる (cant buy me love – e95)

What does “diskarte” mean?


参考 What does “diskarte” mean?

態度に近い意味。スラングのhusle(一生けん命働く、奮闘する、急ぐ 参考)。また、ズルするという意味もあるらしい。

Diskarte is more of an attitude, something more similar to the slang meaning of ‘hustle‘. I think it’s also similar to ‘cunning‘, ‘crafty’, because diskarte most of the time means cutting corners and acheiving things outside conventional means.



Hm. I just googled, and in Spanish “descarte” is “to discard”.

To abandon a battle plan that has not survived contact with the enemy. To throw caution to the wind. To wing it. Dumiskarte.


I was also led to believe that diskarte was loosely based from Rene Descartes, a famous smart guy mathematician IIRC.



人生全般に関して言うと、street smarts(世渡り上手)=madiskarte

It depends on the context. If you are talking about doing a specific task (such as playing chess or doing office work) efficiently and effectively, then “strategy” is the closest translation.

But if you are talking about being able to navigate through life in general (which honestly is the usage I hear more often for this word), then it is more akin to “street smarts.” This is why it is also be the root of the adjective madiskarte, “being good at coursing through life.”



cant buy me love – e55 – 17:00 あたり

Heto, maraming salamt sa patak-patak na bayaran.  はいこれ、分割払い(にしてくれて?)にとてもありがとう

  • patak-patak na bayaran 分割払い、少額ずつの支払い
    • patak 滴り、一滴(水滴など)

Malaking tulong ho ito. これは大きな助けになります。

Kaya nga lang, Achi, hindi muna ako kukuha ulit.  だから、姉さん、私は再び取らないよ(借金しないよ)

Medyo mahina po e. 少し弱いから(収入が少ないから?)

A, susuko ka na? あー、もうあきらめるの?

Hindi naman ho sa gano’n, Achi. そういうことではないです、姉さん

Hahanap lang po ako ng ibang diskarte. 別の機会を探してるだけです。

  • diskarte [名]戦術
